5 Ways to Optimize Your Amazon Listings – Our Guide

Amazon is a search engine just like any other, and while new tips and tricks have evolved through the years, there are fundamental pillars you need to consider when creating a strategy. The goal is to make your listings searchable, but there are many factors you need to address before you can scale up the search ranks.

If you want to ensure that your products are moving in the right direction, take a look at these competitor research steps to help you optimize your listings and drop-off to a successful conversion.

1. Include relevant keywords in your listing

For a product to appear in the Amazon search, the listing should contain relevant keywords that users search for. It’s a core step that will help put your products under the web’s limelight, and without it, you’d have a difficult time inviting customers to click on your page.

One way to maximize this is by determining the keywords that your competitors use. If they have done thorough keyword research, you will be able to piggyback off of their findings and steal their customers, driving more sales for your product.

2. Dig deep into Amazon’s search results page

The best way to know if your keywords are relevant is by testing them out yourself. Getting a bird’s eye view on the market will expose you to brands that are currently dominating your product space and help you have a better grasp on how you can fit under the category.

Upon doing so, note the most-used terms, the image quality and direction, the average number of product reviews, and which competitors have a better command of the sponsored ads. Studying how others play the game will help you get ahead of everyone else. In that regard, the better foothold you have over the competition, the higher your chances of getting into a better position.

3. Compare and analyze the best-sellers

All is fair in business, and a great way to get started is to study your competitors and spot the factors that placed their rankings ahead of the game. Upon closer inspection, some elements may include lower prices or regular reviews. Others may have the upper hand through more attention-grabbing product titles or a pleasing feature image. Whatever it is, narrow down the big players and take a look at the common ground behind their rankings.

4. Get some points from your competitor’s product pages

Similar to the previous point, it’s good practice to analyze your competitors as it gives yourself a better perspective on your strategy. Drop by their product pages and stick around to check what factors influence their successful relevance. Reaching the search results page is one thing, but it all boils down to getting clicks from your prospective consumers. Remember that good product listing is all in the details, but only if it’s within limits. Keep it concise without compromising the product’s attributes.

5. Study your competitor’s reviews to see how you can improve yours

Product reviews serve to bridge sellers and consumers, leading both to a digital focus group for any given product. Because Amazon has banned sponsored reviews, sellers can get valuable insight as their honest ratings mirror the consumer’s thoughts relating to the product.

One way to get a better understanding of your product is to check out the reviews of other competitors. It’s a goldmine of information as not only will you see the appropriate ways to improve your product, but you’ll also figure out how to pick up terms that are used by the customers. This will help you pinpoint their main points and determine how you can cater to their needs. After all, a satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.

If you’re looking to optimize your store for Amazon SEO – get in touch with us today! We have extensive experience in driving organic sales through data-driven SEO.

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